
Create Service Type

Use this page to create a new client-level service type.
A service type is used to determine if the chart is inpatient or outpatient and can be used to organize charts by report type for reporting.
Create Service Type

Service Type Mnemonic

1. Service Type Mnemonic
Set the mnemonic for the service type. The mnemonic plus the Is Inpatient flag determines the display name. OBS with the Is Inpatient flag set to false will create a display name of "OP - OBS".

Service Type Reporting Type

2. Service Type Reporting Type
Set the reporting type here. These are arbitrary labels used for grouping charts together for certain reports. For example, a service type could be created for the reporting type "Surgery". Any charts in a workpool utilizing that service type will be grouped together and reported on separately if a report exists that allows for report type selection and "Surgery" is selected as the filter.

Inpatient Flag

3. Inpatient Flag
This flag is used to set whether or not the chart should be an inpatient or outpatient audit. It is also used to create the display name of the work type.

Active Flag

4. Active Flag
This sets whether or not the service type is active (visible/selectable).

Create Service Type

5. Create Service Type
Click here to save the new service type to the database.